Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Macintosh V PC --will my mp3 player work and should that business?

I am choosing a laptop to appropriate to college with me subsequent year, and it has be a difficult decision becasue I've have a pc at home for the recent past few years, but before that I have a mac and i've missed it ever since. I had almost clearly decided on a mac until I realize my creative Zen microphoto MP3 player is not technically supported on Apples. has anyone worked next to creative mp3 players on macs? and do you think I should reassess my decision of late based on this?


I devise it should, it just wouldn't work indistinguishable way as an iPod. I have a sandisk mp3 player before my iPod and what would appear when I plugged it in is that a white statue would appear on the desktop and say SANDISK underneath it. Then I have to drag songs from iTunes to it and it put them on the mp3 player. I don't know if it'd be the same near yours, but you could just budge to an Apple store, or a comp. USA or something and try plugging it in. If an god appears on the desktop, that means it works.

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