I simply bought a MacBook, and it keeps going to ''sleep''. To draw from it back, i press the power button hurriedly...however, as soon as it sleeps, it throws me off AIM. Is within any way to catch it to let me stay online and away and not toss me past its sell-by date?And I am turning it back on correctly...right? I've looked adjectives over to try to find somehow to do this...help!
Thank you!! :-)
Download a free app call AdiumX.
It is a chat app that allows you to use all of the different chat apps resembling AIM, iChat, Messenger, etc, under one app.
If your Mac go to sleep, it automatically logs you back into your chats when you wake up your Mac.
I've been using it for a long time, and it's great, especially when you hold friends on different chat networks.
Go to your system preferences and click on Energy Saver and change the amount of time previously your comp. puts itself to sleep. I had duplicate prob when I got my macbook. Good luck!
mac suck thats it
Click on the Apple within the upper right hand corner, and choose System Preferences. Then click on Energy Saver. The top slider can be changed to save the computer awake longer.
Set it to not sleep.
1. Open System Preferences and click Energy Saver to display its preferences.
2. Click the Sleep tab.
3. Move the sliders for both the computer and display to change the times within which they go to sleep.
4. Click the Options tab.
5. Select any other option you want, such as wake option, in the panel.
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