Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MacBook n Leopard...upgrade or up to date laptop w untried OS?

I'm wonder if you could share me the differences between buy Macbook now and upgrade latter AND buy Macbook that comes w new OS??

Also, if you upgrade the current Macbook surrounded by the future...will it affect the production of the Macbook since it might affect the memory?

Please let me know ASAP, thank you...

Also, any tips would be appreciate greatly


If you buy the Mac presently, there is a possiblity you will hold to lay out the $130 for 10.5 when it's released.

You won't any problems when you upgrade. I've been using Mac's since 1987. I've be using OSX since the beginning, and within hasn't been any issues on my machines near any upgrades.

Not like windowze.
all right if u buy a macbook between the day apple say wen its going to be released, and wen its released, they will give u a voucher so wen it comes out u can seize leapard for free.
why spend money on a laptop when you can get it for free? lately go to this site and complete a few rapid tasks and they'll send you a sony vaio laptop at no charge!

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