Friday, September 17, 2010

Look on your grand piano, is Num Lock on or past its sell-by date?


Mine is bad right now.
on, theres no point within having it sour
It is turned off, unless I turn it on.
It on and appreciation for the point
mine is on the computers next to me in attendance keybords are on
mine is on.

i always use it ...

it's other on......
I set my bios to always hold my num-lock on. Why would you not have num-locks on?
past its sell-by date!
My NUM LOCK is on, but there's no light that say so. I'm doing data entry at the moment (took a break to answer a sound out or 2)... I rarely use the buttons to navigate, so as someone else said, there's no justification to have it turned bad.

Always on...
I keep mine turn sour
It's incredible what people do to earn points, I enjoy seen the stupidest question today. Did anyone notice the dracula one?
Numlock is rotten on my keyboard.

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