Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Macintosh PowerBook G3 Startup Disk Problem?

Hi adjectives, I have a G3 233 Wallstreet that usually works great however I installed 10.1 on it a while rear legs and before afterwards the battery be dead, so I kept it plugged surrounded by, well the powerwent out and it forget the startup disk, shows the flashing interview mark. I can't find the 10.1 disk but hold OS 8, the original copy on the HD, save on my PowerMac G4. How could I copy this over so that the Mac would boot OS 8? Thanks.


I'm sure you know this, but the ? means there's a problem near the OS, usually no OS, or something missing. As far as I know, you can't create a copy of an OS to put on another computer, you need the artistic cds/dvd to install it. But if your most recent OS is 10.1, I recommend to get a more recent reworked copy, it'd run a lot better. Or you could ask for Linux cds, some linux distributers afford them out for free, so that's another option. But I don't guess you can copy the OS from one computer to another, because it doesn't have the installer of the OS.

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