Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Looking for tech warning on Dell Inspiron 1520 displays.?

I'm nearly to buy a new Dell Inspiron 1520 and I did a side-by-side comparison of the available displays and I own a few questions roughly them. The display is a 15.4 widescreen and has these option:

(format: Model / MP / Briteness / Res / View Angle / Contrast)

WSXGA+ / 1.76 / 200 nits / 1680x1050 / Wide / 300:1

WXGA+ / 1.30 / 250 nits / 1440x900 / Standard / 400:1

WXGA / 1.02 / 220 nits / 1280x800 / Standard / 300:1

The WSXGA+ is the most expensive b/c it has the untouchable resolution, however, I was wondering how desperate a 300:1 contrast ratio is compared to the 400:1 ratio on the WXGA+? Furthermore, the brightness on the WXGA+ is 250 compared to 200 on the more expensive one. I'm also not exactly sure what the wide viewing angle way in relation to a standard viewing angle. I would love to hear your thoughts on which of these displays I should gain (price isn't a factor in this decision). Thanks!


I'm a sucker for resolution, so I would usually run for the higher resolution. However, some folks using my laptops enjoy complained that they can't read the text anymore because it get so small. Depends on your eyes.

The lack of contrast ratio is most obvious when watching movies. If you intend to do that and enjoy it, I would strongly suggest the sophisticated contrast display or even switching to a product line that provides better contrast. I frequently choose to attitude movies on my 1000:1 desktop LCD instead of the laptop for this reason.

The answers post by the user, for information individual, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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