I newly got my Macbook Pro fund from the service centre, where on earth they replaced the LCD (the last one have developed some white spots). I got home, removed the protective sheet and realize that the screen is in a minute a glossy one instead of matte. Have they made a mistake? What are the pros/cons of a shimmering screen?
The shiny display will show colors and brightness more. Indeed, I jumped for good cheer when I saw that they offered the glossy finish on the Macbook Pro 17. That's what I hold! I enjoy it so much.
I do work outside closely, and sometimes I have to use the laptop in that. Of course, being silky-smooth finish, I do get like mad of reflections, but I can still see the display merely fine. After all, it is brighter so it shows up better than a matte. And matte isn't necessarily the pause all to reflection either. It simply cuts it out a moment or two.
Some of my initial worries about the burnished finish were that it be going to be easy to gash. But I have have my computer since June 2006, and to this day I own no scratches on it -- even beside all the times it have been outside and picked up dust.
The reflective display is truly incredible! And I will probably never get a matte display again, unless some computer is out within that I want that doesn't offer one. You should consistency lucky to have gotten it lacking being charged for it. Or, did you?
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